I am really glad that things have changed in the years since Pregnancy for Dummies was filmed. I thought I was going to hide under the bed and refuse to come out during the delivery section. One woman had a pretty easy labor to that point, and from all indications handled the pain pretty well. (Albeit she had an epidural that was so good that she had to be told it was time to push - and she was pretty surprised.) When she got into delivery, the narrator calmly says, "Well, things aren't going as well as the doctors would like, so they need to use a common tool: forceps." And then there is a shot of a set of metal forceps that make them look huge and it seems like the shot should have been accompanied by the "dun, dun, duuuuuuun" soundtrack.
When they cut back to this woman, she is screaming in pain. The kind of screaming that sounds like someone is being ripped apart or tortured.
Now, after the delivery, she seems much better - aside from when she delivers the afterbirth and she is in pain again (not screaming pain THANK GOD). However, considering all three of the women they showed had epidurals, labored flat on their backs, and one of the remaining women had a C-section after 24 hours of labor including 2 hours of pushing; I did not feel comforted at all.
So, now I'm working on mentally undoing those images. Fortunately, the "what to expect in the 1st 3 months of life" wasn't as scary.
To be fair, the section on how to tell if you are in labor was great. When they did a true or false quiz, Kevin and I reflexively knew all the right answers. Yea us!
Back to work.
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