Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Things for me to remember...

I find that remembering things is more and more difficult, just like my appetite and growling stomach are becoming more and more insistent.

However, there are a few mantras that I keep trying to repeat: (This is also part of my 30-day pro-activity experiment as I read through "The 7 habits of Highly Effective People"):

  1. Get up and walk every hour. I get lost in my work and when I do get up, I feel like my calves are tree trunks.
  2. Drink lots of water. If my water bottle is empty, it also gives me a good excuse to see mantra #1.
  3. Use the bathroom frequently in the middle of the night. I've got to say, the last two nights I could have sworn I was going into labor, just to use the bathroom and have the pain go away. I'm just too lazy to get out of bed when it doesn't hurt, and then I'm in pain. I'm learning!
We were very happy to get through the snowstorms of the last two days with no baby. I thought for sure it would come during the so-called blizzard. Actually, it probably would have been fine if it did, since the blizzard never materialized here.

One blessing to report today... when I finally left to go to work after our 2 hr delay, there were neighbors with snowblowers working on our driveway. I love living on our street! One of the men was surprised to see me leaving - he knew from talking to Kevin that I was close to delivery and thought I would be staying home at this point. Even in Waverly, my neighbors didn't know that much about me!

Back to work!


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